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Dangerous But Good

Writer's picture: Patrick PattonPatrick Patton
“Is he—quite safe?” I shall feel rather nervous about meeting a lion” – Susan

“If there’s anyone who can appear before Aslan without their knees knocking, they’re either braver than most or else just silly.” – Mrs. Beaver

“Then he isn’t safe?” – Lucy

“Safe? . . . Who said anything about safe? Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King I tell you.” – Mr. Beaver

From The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, by C.S. Lewis

A family at a bookstore, showing off their new books, and the dad is showing off his "Iron Sharpens Iron" hoodie from Christian clothing company, Dangerous but Good.
My kids and I spent the afternoon at the bookstore, and had to show off our book haul, as well as my "Iron Sharpens Iron" hoodie from DBG.

I started writing fiction because I was entranced with the true story of the Bible. I've always said that God is the first, and best author.

Four pencils, three notepads, and a patch, all with the caption "My story, His glory" from Christian clothing company Dangerous but Good.
"My Story, His Glory" pencils, notepads, and patch bundle from DBG

As far as us humans go, I was fascinated by the way C.S. Lewis was able to craft stories that were moving, thought provoking, infused with spiritual truths, and made me want to be a stronger man of faith.

I aim to craft my stories after these examples.

An old-world mug sits on a pile of chopped firewood with a rustic wooden fence in the background. The mug says "Appeal to Heaven" and is available at Christian clothing company Dangerous but Good.
"Appeal to Heaven" mug from DBG

It’s also inspiring to see other types of creatives doing the same in other realms. I loved the message, the mission, and the aesthetic of Dangerous But Good since the first time I came across their gear.

A picture of three Christian patches which say "Iron Sharpens Iron," Full Armor of God," and "Sword of the Spirit", along with a Holy Bible, a Buck knife, a CZ 75 D PCR Compact pistol, a loaded magazine, and a scattering of hallowpoint bullets.
"Full Armour of God", "Iron Sharpens Iron, and "Sword of the Spirit" patches from Dangerous but Good. Also, pictured are my favorite Bible, my favorite Buck knife, and my favorite pistol—CZ 75 D PCR Compact

When they invited me to become an ambassador for their company, I was honored to represent a company whose mission aligns with my own so perfectly. It’s a beautiful thing to find others who serve the same Kingdom, who have been adopted into the same family, who have undertaken the same mission.

A military style backpack with a patch on it which says "Full Armor of God," from Christian clothing company Dangerous but Good.
I put my "Full Armor of God" patch on my work backpack.

We are the branches, and Christ is the vine. Apart from Him, we accomplish nothing.

A camo hat with a picture of the American flag and the lion of the tribe of Judah, as well as a botton up shirt from Christian clothing company Dangerous but Good.
I also picked up this camo hat and button-up shirt from DBG

If you’re about that Faith, Family, and Freedom, check out Dangerous But Good and save 10% by using code “PSPatton” at checkout.

“He’ll be coming and going . . . One day you’ll see him and another you won’t. He doesn’t like being tied down . . . He’ll often drop in. Only you mustn’t press him. He’s wild, you know. Not like a tame lion.” – Mr. Beaver




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